Auction Tutorial | Virtual Auction Practice Software


Start Up
This Auction Tutorial leads you to the introductory screen, you have the option to select Auction Simulation or Number drills.

Auction Simulation

Auction Selection
On the main menu screen, you need to first choose your auction scenario. Choose one of the five auction scenarios that you would like to practice (Livestock, Estate, Benefit, Farm Equipment, and Automobile).
Auction Configuration
On the main menu screen: choose the setting that best fits your auction practice session.  Use the slide adjustment to set your speed, level of difficulty, crowd size and # of bidders.
Note: Level of difficulty refers to how the bidders bid. (The harder the setting, the harder it is to see the bidder bidding).

Select start auction. Your view will pan to the view of the auctioneer. Start auctioneering at your chosen dollar amount, take bids as you see them or hear them. When you no longer see any bids from the crowd, you need to sell the item by clicking the sold button.  To keep practicing, click the next item button or return to the main menu.
Note: If you choose to speed the auction time between the items, click the skip introduction button.

To Exit
Click the main menu button and then select the quit button.